Monday, June 2, 2008

23 Things Assignment #7

I tried subscribing to several National Geographic podcasts - National Geographic Minutes, National Geographic World Talk and The Best of National Geographic Magazine, but after I chose subscribe, the description of the podcast which came up indicated that these podcasts were no longer available. This was disappointing as there were interesting podcasts listed.

I subscribed to the following podcasts:

CBC Radio: The Best of As It Happens
The radio in my kitchen is always set to the CBC station and I often listen to As It Happens. Now I know that if I miss the show, I can listen to some of the highlights from it. It is updated regularly. However, I would rather listen to CBC shows on the radio rather than on podcasts.

Learn French with daily podcasts
I thought that this might be a good way to learn French. There are daily podcasts with dictations, lessons in vocabulary and some videos. However, the lessons do not seem to progress in an organized fashion and there did not seem to be any indication of the level of French being taught. Not everything is free. There were links for learning guides and transcripts, but when you click on them it takes you to a page listing options that had to be paid for. I did not find these podcasts useful enough to use.

Vegan Podcast - Vegetarian Food for Thought
My daughter is a vegan so I thought that I might find some useful information from this podcast. Colleen, who does the podcasts, also promotes her website and her cookbook. There are podcasts on things such as supplements and the use of leather but I did not find any useful information on nutrition for vegans. I might be more successful with her website or cookbook.

It was interesting to see the range of topics on which there are podcasts. I used Podcast Alley to find them. However, it takes time to search through the directory. I would not go searching for podcasts to listen to. However, if I heard of one that particularly interested me I might listen to it.

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